Vegucated (2011)

“Nothing will benefit health or increase chances of survival on earth as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

Albert Einstein

                                                                                                                                                                             Run time: 1h 16mins

                                                                                                                                                                             Director: Marisa Miller Wolfson

                                                                                                                                                                             Narrator: Marisa Miller Wolfson

                                                                                                                                                                             Language: English

                                                                                                                                                                             IMDb rating: 7.2/10

In One Sentence What Is Vegucated About?

Three people try veganism for six weeks during which they discover eye opening facts about the benefits to themselves, the environment and animals.

Brief Synopsis

Vegucated follows three New Yorkers, differing in age and background, who have decided to take up the challenge of becoming vegan. During this period they record what they eat, how they feel, and how their families have responded. Some take to the challenge more positively and easily than others, but all agree there are rewards to be had.

Over the six week period, film maker Marisa Miller Wolfson, herself a vegan, enlightens her subjects on some of the health benefits a plant-based diet can offer, as well as showing them some of the lesser known, or ignored practices, that go on in modern day animal agriculture.

The Trailer

Why Is Vegucated A Vegan Documentary?

As far as vegan documentaries go, Vegucated is one of the only films that offers perhaps a deeper insight into what it is like to suddenly become vegan. It looks at some of the challenges people new to veganism can face such as finding vegan alternatives to meat and dairy and identifying which foods on the shelves are vegan friendly.

Common questions many will have asked themselves are also raised here such as “What am I going to eat?”, “I love meat. How on earth can I give it up?” and “I haven’t got time to cook.” Ok, so not all are questions as such, but these issues are somewhat addressed or at the very least, proven to be not as hard an obstacle to overcome as first believed. That may be in part due to the fact that New York is likely to be a far easier city to be a vegan than most places, although this is changing all the time as shops and restaurants tap into the ever growing vegan market.

As could be expected, not everyone finds the dietary changes as easy as others, especially the participant who professes to not liking most types of vegetable… It is apparent though that at around the half-way stage, their new found knowledge causes profound changes in their attitudes. Some of these changes in those now newly ‘vegucated’ become permanent.

Where and How to Watch Vegucated:

Buy and Rent from Google Play here

Buy and Rent from Amazon Prime Video UK here and USA here

*Buy and Rent from iTunes here

Buy and Rent from YouTube here

Buy the DVD from the official website here

Numerous renting/streaming options are listed on the official website here

*denotes an affiliate link from which I’ll receive a small percentage if you purchase. And I do mean small. Tiny in fact.


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